انت تستخدم متصفح قديم وقد لا يعرض لك جميع المزايا المقدمة فى الموقع . فرجاءاً للاستمتاع بكافة المميزات يرجى تحميل نسخة احدث من الانترنت اكسبلورر

Airports Management

  • Airports Management

    Alpha Star Airport Management gives you greater control of your operations, simplifying complexity and improving profitability. Airport Management gives you the flexibility to adapt to the demands of the day.

    What makes you Airport Management special is the ability to take control of your operations from one place. From service level agreement (SLAs) to passenger communications, generating billing charges to real-time management of fixed and mobile resources, Alpha Star Airport Management gives you the freedom to plan your operations the way you want.

    To ensure success, Alpha Star Airport Management helps your airport in four critical areas;

    Proactively control real-time operations.

          Continuously improve business results.

    Provide robust and efficient operational planning.

    Enable systems integration and collaboration.